How old is your furnace? Most furnaces can last anywhere from 10 to 20 years. But just because it’s still chugging away in your basement doesn’t mean your 15-year-old furnace is still up to the task of efficiently heating your Princeton, NJ area home.
Your older furnace may not only be costing you money, but could also be affecting your comfort and safety as well.
Why You Should Upgrade Your Furnace
Regardless of its age, your furnace should have regular maintenance to ensure it continues running at peak efficiency. Furnace professionals will replace worn parts before they break to avoid emergency situations, and they’ll let you know if your furnace is unsafe or if reaching its end. Maintenance prolongs the life of a furnace, but eventually, it will need to be replaced. Here’s why:
1. Lower Your Heating Bills
No matter how well it’s cared for, an older furnace will begin to lose efficiency over time. The annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) minimum is 80 percent for combustion furnaces. A furnace operating at 80% is wasting 20 percent of the fuel it uses. Newer systems have AFUE ratings of 95%–99%, which means they waste almost none of the fuel they burn for home heating.
Naturally, the less fuel a furnace requires to heat your home to the desired temperature, the lower your utility bills will be. In addition, your newer furnace will run less often, again reducing fuel consumption.
2. Avoid Frequent Repairs
You may find that your older furnace requires more than regular maintenance. Having a maintenance contract is smart, but often there are parts that aren’t completely covered. And if your furnace requires constant repairs, you know it’s not operating up to par. Like a car that’s always in the shop, your old furnace is not providing the dependable service you need. A newer model will provide peace of mind and yearly maintenance will keep it running efficiently.
3. Increase Your Comfort
There comes a time in the life of a furnace when no matter how hard it works, it is unable to efficiently heat your home any longer. You’ll hear it running constantly, yet your living space is never quite as comfortable as you’d like. A new furnace will heat your home to your comfort level with less effort and less fuel, lowering your heating costs and your stress level at once.
4. Ensure Your Safety
Older furnaces are more prone to leaks which can result in carbon monoxide buildup. Replacing your aging furnace before a situation like this occurs is by far the safest option.
Have Your Old Furnace Inspected Today
For furnace installation, repair, and replacement look no further than Princeton Air. Our highly trained experts will inspect your furnace and, if needed, guide you toward the right choice for furnace replacement, helping you choose and install the right size furnace for your home and budget.