Tired of wasting water and money waiting for the hot water to kick in when you want to take a shower or run a bath? With REDI-HOT demand hot water recirculation system installation from Princeton Air’s team of plumbing experts, you’ll benefit in a number of ways:
Hot water at the touch of a button
Less wasted water and energy
Better for the environment
How Does a Hot Water Recirculating System Work?
Under a normal plumbing set up, a homeowner turns on their hot water faucet but then has to wait until the heated water can make its way up to the faucet before they actually get warm water. Meanwhile, cold water standing in your pipes is flushed down the drain.
But with Princeton Air’s REDI-HOT hot water recirculating system, a loop pumps hot water from your water heater to your shower or sink, while sending any cool water back to the water heater in your NJ home instead of down the drain. This system can be controlled with a button, timer, or motion sensor, and the pump turns off automatically once it detects that water has reached the desired temperature.
What Are the Benefits of a Hot Water Recirculating System?
Faster hot water access
Princeton Air’s REDI-HOT system uses state-of-the-art electronics to quickly pump hot water through the plumbing pipes in your home, cutting the time it takes to get hot water by 33-50%!
Save water and energy
Studies have shown that water recirculating systems can save a family of four 14,000 gallons of water every year. That will not only cut down on your water bills but will also likely reduce the amount of energy you waste heating water that ends up flushed down the drain.
Improve your dishwasher’s performance
If your dishwasher isn’t properly cleaning your dishes, it might not be getting enough hot water on the first cycle! Connected to a REDI-HOT system, your dishwasher will be getting more hot water to better dissolve detergent and clean your dishes.
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
The more energy and water you use, the more greenhouse gasses your home is likely responsible for generating. Installing a hot water recirculating system is better for the environment and will lower the carbon footprint of your home.
Put Your Home’s Plumbing in Good Hands with Princeton Air
Since 1971, Princeton Air has been helping homeowners with their hot water heater and plumbing needs—since then, we’ve continued to expand our services and product offerings to solve a wide range of plumbing issues that homeowners in New Jersey and Pennsylvania commonly face, including:
Sump pumps
Water heaters (including tankless water heaters and heat pump water heaters)
Toilet replacement