Princeton Air takes great pride in having certified technicians and long-standing affiliations with many well-established trade groups. Check out some of our accreditations, memberships, and partnerships below.
New Jersey Home Improvement Contractor # 13VH00255200
Pennsylvania Home Improvement Contractor # PA001066
JS Needham-Master HVACR Contractor Lic. # 3980
M Burt-Plumbing Lic. # 8389

GreenHomes America Partner
"GreenHomes America offers residential home performance solutions that increase in-home comfort, health, and safety and significantly reduce energy usage and utility bills. We apply building science principles and sophisticated diagnostic equipment to quickly pinpoint causes of common problems and prescribe cost-effective solutions that resolve them permanently." - greenhomesamerica.com

BPI EnergyFool Partner
EnergyFool partners with the most qualified and skilled contractors to provide homeowners who are interested in home performance upgrades with quality service.

Home Performance Coalition
The Home Performance Coalition creates energy-efficient, healthy, sustainable homes through education, training, advocacy, and outreach. http://www.homeperformance.org/
Better Business Bureau (BBB) accredited business
Click for the BBB Business Review of this Heating & Air Conditioning in Princeton Jct. NJ

Independent Business Alliance
The Independent Business Alliance (iba) promotes local independent businesses and facilitates networking and education with a focus on developing growth strategies for independent businesses in the Princeton Region.

Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce
The Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce is committed to advancing the general welfare and prosperity of the Princeton Region. The strength of our organization lies in our Members who continuously provide compelling ideas and positive energy which supports us all; whether you live, visit, work, or do business in the Princeton Region. http://www.princetonchamber.org/

Building Performance Institute (BPI) Accredited Contractor
BPI contractors are certified by BPI and focus on high quality home improvements that improve a home's performance, durability and comfort.
"Quality management experts estimate that 25-40 percent of dollars spent by a typical contracting business is wasted. Companies that are truly focused on quality don’t spend more money. Instead they reduce waste, cut operating costs and invest in processes that result in greater profits, customer loyalty and company stability." - BPI.org


Building Performance Institute (BPI) Certified Professional
"Our nationally recognized credentialing program identifies individual excellence in house-as-a-system evaluation, diagnostics and installation. Strict technical standards mean that BPI certified professionals are in demand – from homeowners, state and utility energy efficiency incentive programs and weatherization assistance programs. Over 130 such programs nationwide specify BPI credentials." - BPI.org

Water Furnace
Water Furnace Dealer in New Jersey

Mercer County Workforce Investment Board
Scott Needham was appointed to the WIB by the Board of Chosen Freeholders and has served since 2013.

Elizabethtown Gas Participating Contractor
Elizabethtown Gas Participating Contractors are carefully selected and must meet specific business, financial and licensing standards.

Asbestos Awareness
Asbestos Awareness for Contractors as per OSHA 29 CFR1926.1101

Efficiency First Founding Member
"As the national association for the home performance industry, Efficiency First supports home performance companies by providing an impactful voice in Washington, access to new educational and networking opportunities, and discounts on products and services.
With state and local chapters across the country, we work with companies to retrofit America’s homes and bring them—and our economy—into the future. Together, we advocate for policies that accelerate the growth of the industry, creating huge opportunities for companies and delivering meaningful energy savings to homeowners." - EfficiencyFirst.com